Tuesday, 29 September 2020 00:00


The Pakistan Academy of Sciences was selected as the Secretariat of NASIC. The Executive Committee of NASIC met twice (2004, 2006) and defined its short and long term programmes which were circulated to all Network Academies through NASIC’s newsletter.

A brief summary of the activities undertaken by NASIC since 2004 is given below:

  • NASIC organized an International Workshop on Recent Advances in Spectroscopic methods: Applications in Industry and Agriculture held on 24-25 February, 2020 at the Hotel Ngor Diarama, Dakar, Senegal in collaboration with National Academy of Sciences and Techniques of Senegal (ANSTS) and Commission on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development in South (COMSATS)
  • NASIC organized an International Workshop on Application of NMR in Pharmaceutics, Phythotherapeutics and Medicine held on 15-17 November, 2017 at Bezmialem Vakif University, Istanbul, Turkey under the auspices of Islamic Development Bank (IDB)
  • NASIC-UiTM Workshop on Drug Discovery from Indigenous Plants in Developing Countries held on 04-07 October, 2016 in Atta-ur-Rahman Institute of Natural Product Discovery at University Teknologi MARA, Selangor, Malaysia under the auspices of Islamic Development Bank (IDB)
  • Participated in IAP General Assembly held on 02 March, 2016 in Hermanus, South Africa
  • NASIC organized an International Workshop on Herbal Drug Development for Socio-Economic uplift in Developing World New Paradigm held on 06-08 September, 2015 in collaboration with Arab Academy of Sciences and University of Jordan in Amman, Jordan under the auspices of Islamic Development Bank (IDB)
  • NASIC Workshop on Modern Spectroscopic Techniques and their Applications in Structure Determination held on 01-03 December, 2014 in International Center for Chemical and Biological Sciences (H.E.J Research Institute of Chemistry, Dr. Panjwani Center for Molecular Medicine and Drug Research) at University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan
  • The Network of Academies of Sciences in Islamic Countries (NASIC) under the auspices of IAP and with the collaboration of Pakistan Academy of Sciences and Fatima Jinnah Women University (FJWU) organized an International Conference on “Entrepreneurship for Young Women and Using of New Technologies: Issues and Challenges” 26th - 27th November, 2013at New Auditorium, Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi.
  • The NASIC under the auspices of IAP and with the collaboration of Hassan II Academy of Science & Technology Morocco and the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) organized an International Conference on “Biodiversity in the Desert Areas: Present Status, Threats and Remediation” on 13-14 September, 2012 at Rabat, Morocco.
  • NASIC organized its 8th Executive Committee&7th General Assembly meetings in conjunction with 18th Islamic World Academy of Sciences Conference on “The Islamic World and the West: Rebuilding Bridges through Science & Technology” dated 22-24 October 2011 at Doha, Qatar.
  • The Network of Academies of Sciences in Islamic Countries organized 7thExecutive Committee&6th General Assembly meetings in conjunction with an International Seminar on “Poverty Alleviation through Sustainable Resource Management” 08-10 March, 2011 at Islamabad, Pakistan.
  • An International Seminar on “Alternate Sources of Energy: Prospects and Options” organized by the Network of Academies of Sciences in Islamic Countries (NASIC) in collaboration with Pakistan Academy of Sciences(PAS) on 14-15 October, 2010 at Islamabad, Pakistan.
  • NASIC 6th Executive Committee and 5th General Assembly Meetings held on 14th December, 2009 at Concorde Hotel, SHAH ALAM, Selangor, Malaysia.
  • NASIC organized, in collaboration with Bangladesh Academy of Sciences (BAS) an International Seminar on “Gender Participation in the Development of Science” 14-15 November, 2009 at Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  • International Seminar on Biosecurity and National Capacity Building in Ummah before OIC Summit in Dakar organized by Senegalese Academy of Sciences in collaboration with NASIC.
  • Organized International Conference on the fundamental role of Science & Technology in Economic Growth and Development, Kampala, Uganda.
  • MIT courseware CDs copied and will be distributed among NASIC Member Academies.
  • NASIC hosted General Assembly and an International Seminar on “Intellectual Property and Innovation: Value Creation in the Knowledge Economy”, Islamabad in December 2006
  • Organized International Seminar on Strengthening Science in Africa, Islamabad, Pakistan from 19-20 February 2006.
  • Organized a conference on “Science & Technology for Socioeconomic Development of OIC Member countries: Developing a Strategy and Action Plan”, Islamabad in April 2005.
  • International Conference on Science & Technology sponsored by Network of Academies of Science in Countries of Organization of Islamic Conference (NASIC).
  • Initiated a project on Intellectual Property Rights with the Egyptian Academy of Sciences playing the key role as the lead Academy.
  • A functional and effective e-bulletin articulating NASIC activities is currently produced on bimonthly basis.


Read 6170 times Last modified on Friday, 11 December 2020 06:18